Sunday, June 4, 2017

Sangwon Park / Chapter 4 second draft/ Wed 3-4

Two motive which make us work 


 There are two reasons why people work. The first one is the motive which comes from our inner mind. And the second thing is our motive by the external circumstances. Because our will is the owner of our behavior, Other reasons besides these are non-existent and even cannot exist.

 Let's take a look at the each reason. The motive which I mentioned first is originated from our own will. That means our wish to do working makes us work. On the contrary, the second motive is regardless of our wish because this is coming from the external conditions, not an our free-will. 

 Today, sadly, most of us work by the second motive. The typical case in second one is comparing to others. This kind of act encourage us not to follow our own hope because the feeling that lag behind makes us feel jealous and stimulate a sense of emulation. Well, we can feel contentment when you achieve the purpose even if you work by the second motive. However, the degree of satisfaction will not be as good as the one when you follow the previous motive because that can only lead our real inner wish.


For our welfare, we should live according to our own voice. What is much happier than doing what you really want? For that, we need to pursue the first motive. In other words, when you work it is important to follow your own will in order to feel real happy because "Happiness is not what others give, it is what I feel." (William Shakespeare)


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