Sunday, April 9, 2017

Aya Bekkouche/ Chapter2 part5 draft2/wed1-2

 Someone once told me that the only thing worth living for is love because it is the closest thing to magic we have. Love in all its aspects has inspired some of the best literary works of our history, which is probably why most people spend their lives looking for it. There is a tremendous number of ways to define love, conventionally it is described as the profoundly tender, passionate affection we feel for another person. However, my definition of love can be summed-up in one single and totally different word: a choice. 



        People nowadays tend to perceive love as a fluffy happy feeling and covet it. Something we cannot blame them for since the concept of love is very romanticized through art, literature, cinema etc. They give us a very small insight on only one aspect of love and we take it for granted. Thus, we experience love as a feeling by procuration and presume that the one in real life is the same when really, it is not. Falling in love and the act of love itself are two different processes and while the first one is as easy and fast as falling, the second one is much more complex than the media will have us believe. 

             More often than not, real love has its sweat dripping down its forehead. Real love will require you to make huge sacrifices, to forgive when you are deeply hurt, to accept a person and DECIDE to love them even when they reveal the worst of themselves. Of course it almost always starts with the butterflies and the rainbows we read about, but once all of that is gone, we have to make a decision: do we want to love this person and or are we going to let them go? Which brings me to my main point: The act of love, real love, is about how worth you think it is to commit to somebody and how hard you decide to work for it. 


    I would like to sum up by saying that there is no completely wrong nor completely right definition of Love. But as far as I am concerned, real love is nothing else but a choice. It all comes down to how far you decide to go, how much you know in the very marrow of your bone that this person is someone worth fighting for. A series of choices that are not always easy to do. You choose to see the good, ignore the bad, move on and fight for what you decided not to live without.


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