Sunday, April 2, 2017

Minyong Han/Chapter2 Part 5 A3/Wed 1-2

Who love more deeply - men or women?

  It is not possible for me to say whose love is more profound; some men can love more deeply, but some other women can love even more deeply. Therefore, I want to note before getting to the point that I cannot definitely say which gender loves more deeply. Please keep in mind that the examples I'm going to provide in order to draw a conclusion are not definite; they are comparative.

  Normally, it is believed that women develop a deeper connection than men because men were hunters and gatherers but women were doing chores and raising children in their caves in prehistoric ages. Women were supposed to rely on men to live then, thus women grew to have a stronger feelings towards men over time. However, critics can insist that times have changed, and that men can be reliant on women nowadays as statistics prove an increasing number of households where women work and men don't. I think it's also true. Today, women participate more actively in economic activities than they did a long time ago and some women provide for the whole families now. My point is that economic dependency can be a likely factor in which gender loves more deeply. As everything is complicated with gender gaps and feminism these days, it can be debatable as to who has a more profound connection when it comes to reliance. Still, I'm going to conclude that women tend to develop a deeper bond than men 'traditionally' in this paragraph.

  And also, in my opinion, women are more emotional. Women fall in love more easily than men. The media depict women as more passionate about love, and women can get jealous more often than men. That's because they love more deeply. If they don't love their partners, they won't care. In contrast, I don't think men are that passionate about love. They are likely to 'look out.' They spend a lot of their resources looking for their partners, and they are more willing to compromise their relationships in place of better ones for the sake of their offsprings. Women seek love more than anything in a relationship. On the other hand, men want results in a relationship. They want to get back what they give in a relationship. That's not technically 'love.' To sum up, women are more inclined to be devoted to their partners and to seek love than men are.

  In conclusion, as stated twice above, women dedicate themselves to their relationships more than men.

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