Sunday, April 2, 2017

Aya Bekkouche/Chapter 2 par5 A2/ Prose&Paragraphs/ Wed 1-2

    Someone once told me that, the only thing worth living for is love, as it is the closest thing to magic we have, people spend their lives looking for love to the point it inspired some of the best literary works of our history. 
   The conventional definition of the word is the profoundly tender, passionate affection we feel for another person, my definition of love is : a choice. 

   Most people tend to perceive love as a fluffy happy feeling and covet it, for the concept of love is very romanticized through art, literature, cinema, which are some times the only insight we have on it. We experience love as a feeling by procuration and presume that the one in real life is the same when really, it is not. Falling in love and the act of love itself are two different processes and while the first one is as easy and fast as falling, the second one is much more complexe than the media will have us believe. 
   More often than not, real love has its sweat dripping down its forehead. Real love will require you to make huge sacrifices, to forgive when you are deeply hurt,  to accept a person and DECIDE to love them even when they reveal the worst of themselves. Of course it almost always starts with the butterflies and the rainbows we read about, but once all of that is gone we have to make a decision: are we going to love this person or are we going to let them go? Which brings me to my main point : The act of love, real love, is about how worth you think it is to commit to somebody and how hard you decide to work for it. 

   Love is of course too much of a complex concept to summarize in one essay. But as far as I am concerned, real love, the meaningful one, is all about choices. A series of choices that are not always easy to do. You choose to see the good, ignore the bad , move one and fight for what you decided not to live without. 


  1. Hi Aya, this is Sunyoung Park.
    This is pretty similar to what we've talked about last thursday. remember?haha
    I enjoyed your writing!Those expressions and metaphors that you used are so great. It make your writing richer, and probably it is why I always look for your writing when I get to write comments.:)

    I truly agree with you saying real love is very different from the one displayed in those mass media such as movie or drama. It is more serious and sometimes painstaking.
    So it is mainly about choosing whether I take all everything about lover even if it's hurtful to me or just let him go.
    Thank you for not even sharing your writing but your genuine thoughts in it. Thank you so much:)

  2. Hi, I'm minjeong Lee from your class.
    First of all, I was surprised to read such a essay with contemplation of love IN THIS CLASS! I've never imagined such situation. And I was deeply touched by your essay and totally agree with your points. It is true that people and media romanticize love too much, but the truth of love make us to withstand sacrifice and disappointments-we need to make choice every time we face these obstacles that hinder 'happily-ever-after styled romance'. Love is not always rosy romance. It's more like war. However if it is worthy one, we ignore the bad things and try to understand the situation and the person. So I think that if I make the right choices, these choices make love even more stronger.

    To be frank, I like your essay so much that I cannot even write it down. I appreciate your sharing.
