Sunday, March 26, 2017

Sangwon Park / Chapter 2 part 2 B-1 / Wed. 1-2

Can you understand why Esther killed Laurence? Can you accept that did so?


When I read this story, I could sympathize with all of characters and feel they are so pitiable. As the final outcome, Laurence died a miserable death. Father Paul also felt depressed because of his nephew's death. And Esther lost not only her lover but also her civilized faith.


Well, I think Esther could select another way not killing her lover. In my opinion, Laurence just have lack courage to face his uncle. If Esther truly encouraged her lover and persuaded Father Paul, she might be a bride. But, she was blinded by her hatred, so choosing the worst way that become an murderer.


Meanwhile, I think Her behavior proves she was not qualified to become a civilized person's bride in the first place. In the civilized society, no matter how angry we are, we generally do not kill or hit someone else. Because conscience prevents us from doing that kinds of act.


I couldn't find any phrase about Esther's pang of conscience when she decided to commit sin, nevertheless murder is one of the largest sin in a civilized society. That means Esther doesn't have a appropriate conscience for civilized society.


I don't claim that she is Psychopath who doesn't have a conscience. I agree that she also have a conscience. The problem is that her conscience is fitted for uncivilized society where mother look on and even support her daughter's crime. (Of course, white people's attitude is also bad. We can see their bad attitude about racism. What I want to say is not white people's morality is better than indian's morality, I just want to talk about indian's unreasonable thoughts like honor killings in arab country.)


I think when Esther decided to kill her lover without the pang of conscience, she already lost her right to become a civilized person's bride. Futhermore, she doesn't have a right to claim that she is also a victim who deserve to get some pity. She is just a criminal.


Consequently, I can understand Esther's agony by the betrayal of her lover. But, absolutely, I can't accept her crime. Crime cannot be justified under any circumstances in civilized society. 


  1. Hi, I am Hyobin Jeon in same class. I read your posting and felt that there are so many different views in even just on subject. I wrote my thoughts which is different from yours about her behavior on this blog. But after reading your writing, I am persuaded to yours a little bit. In other words, your writing was persuasive enough to change other people's thoughts. Thank you for posting!!

  2. Hi, I'm your classmate soyoung. your opinion is different from mine. I'm impressed that you focused that Esther has a lack of citizenship. Your wirting gave me a opportunity to reconsider my view. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Hi I'm Ye Eun from your class.
    I like your view to the story.
    Also I agree your opinion.
    Especially your thinking about Esther's act is very similar to me.
    Thank you for sharing.
