Monday, March 20, 2017

So Young Woo/Chapter1 Part5 B-2/Wed 1-2

Forer's says that birth order influences people's life very well. I agree with his opinion that argues that birth order influences even people's personality, achivement, futhermore.

He says that The oldest child is more capable and more responsible and more parental than the younger children and The middle children also think that he is more capable than his younger children. but sometimes he requests for help to his parents or siblings than The oldest child do. Also he says that The youngest child tends to have a lack of confidence and tends to think that he needs not be concerned because there are always others around to take care of the youngest child.

So I had a question that who be live a better life than the others in the same family. After careful consideration, I arrived at a conclusion that The oldest child's life is beetter than The younger children. because The oldest tends to be more competent and more experienced than his younger siblings. At the first glance, The oldest seems to be lonely because he tends to hide his weakness and difficulties he experiences in his life. But while overcoming his adversities by himself, he will learn a method of overcoming.

For example, my oldest brother is more independent and more responsible than my older brother and me. He tends to try to be more capable and ease the burden my parents have. so usually most adults like him and expect to him more and more. my oldest brother ends up trying for his parents. In conclusion, if he learn to confide his difficulties to his family or friends, I think he will be live excellent life rather than my younger brother and me.

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