Monday, May 29, 2017

Aya Bekkouche/ Part5 A3/ Wed1-2

                        Working Mothers 
      60 years ago, the role of each member of a family was black and white. Fathers were in charge of financial matters and gaining money while mothers were supposed to clean, cook and take care of the children. Society, however, has changed drastically and nowadays it's very common to see both parents working in a household. Unfortunately, women suffer most of the time of the social pressure that forces them to endorse the responsibility of finding a balance between their career and their home completely. And while many people are now arguing that society should find a solution to help woman insuring that balance the real question is: why should women be the only ones responsible for it ? 

    The fact that more and more mothers are working is inevitable. Building  a family is getting more and more expensive, parents want to provide the best there is for their children whether it comes to clothing, schooling, or health care. Therefore most people cannot afford having only one parent working. People are now debating whether society should do something to make it easier for women to balance between their home and their work, but in my opinion it is completely irrelevant. People should ask themselves why are women the only ones concerned with this problem at the first place? It takes two people to start a family. A man, and a woman eventually. There is no justifiable reason that man's career should be considered more important than a woman's and there is no reason a woman should feel or be more responsible than her husband of the well being of her children. Children need both their parents equally and I do not see why men would be less capable of doing daily chores. 

    As a young child I have watched my mother take care of both me and my brother. Making sure all the homework was done, cleaning the house, going grocery shopping, managing the budget and working as 10 hours a day 5 days a week as researcher in cancer. Not only was she responsible of everything at home she also had an amazing career. But nobody ever gave her credit for it, she even got criticized by my grandmother once for not being present enough for me and my brother. As for my father, he was seen as a successful and hardworking  university professor. Never criticized once. Why ? Because he is a man. I remember thinking that even if people think that things have changed and society had progressed with all the women working and voting, things are actually not that different from before. 

    The only way for women to manage their work and their family at the same time more easily is to stop being seen as the only one responsible of managing those two things.Society should find a way for women to make a balance, it should make men more involved, in fact it should make them just as involved as women are in that matter. But most of all, it should stop making women guilty for wanting to have a career and a family at the same time even though they success in both. 


  1. I agree with your writing, especially the second paragraph and also the last sentence on your third paragraph, "even if people think that things have changed and society had progressed with all the women working and voting, things are actually not that different from before".
    I couldn't agree more on that and I think people's sterotype on women should be changed, and understand that this is not a responsility solely for women, but for men as well.

  2. Your writing was well organized and clear. It was straight forward and a powerful message. Thank you!
    -Christina Woo-
