Sunday, May 14, 2017

Hyunseo Jung/definition of friend/Wed 1~2

The Most Precious Relationship

There are many definitions to define a friend. And these are all different by people. Friend can be thought as a person who is at the same age, or a person who shares same memories. When I looked back my friends, there were some common characteristics. All of my real friends have 3 same features, confiding themselves a lot, making me comfortable, sharing same interests.

First, friends can talk about themselves without any thought and that means confiding is really essential in friendship. This perception is come from the one real experience. I had 2 friends, A and B and those are all met at the same time. A was a friend who usually talked about her life and that lead me to reveal myself more and also talk about my life. And there was friend B. She tended not to talk about herself and dislike that. Naturally, that also led me not to tell my secret or big worry. So can you guess how our current relationship become? Friend A became a more reliable friend so that I prefer to develop our relationship to deeper. But friend B just became a friend that I usually meet with other friends. By this experience, revealing myself became an important component when I build a new relationship.


Next, when being with friends, it gives comfort. So I think a person who gives comfort to each other is a friend. Every relationship can't be improved without feeling comfort. When I look my best friends, we don't care about how we look, and we also don't care about what to talk about. We just meet together and talk about whatever topic we want, and whatever action we want to do. These are all possible because we are comfortable with our relationship. It would be quite difficult to meet and share each other's life without comfort.


Third, we share same interests. So I think, to become a friend, having a common interest is essential. These interests can be a hobby, music, singer and food. When we meet someone who has same interests, it will be much easier to continue the conversation. Also interest can work when building a new relationship. I experienced this 2 months ago when I made a new friend. In the one class of law I made a friend, who is in the management department, by finding that we like the same singer. After knowing that we are sharing the same interest, we now have a lunch once a week, and study together although we are in the different major, and we haven't met for a long time.


. Friend is one of the most precious relationships in our whole life. And I think a person who confides a lot, makes each other comfortable, and shares same interest is a friend which is the most precious relationship in my life.




  1. Hi I'm seonghwan. First, thank you for sharing your writing. Your topic was as same as mine, so it was easy to follow. The thesis statement was logically assertive enough to include the main ideas below; but if it was more generalized - like 'a friend(ship)' has three features - it will be better. Body paragraphs are well organized according to thesis statement. Last paragraph reminded me of the thesis statement. However, I think the details need to be more specific. Why don't you just write your friends' name? Then, the writing will be more believable. Overall, it was great essay. Thank you again for sharing

  2. Hello, I'm sangwon Park from same class. I enjoyed your writing about friend relationship. Your explanation and examples really helps me to understand your essay. But, in this article, your depiction like "A", "B" is needed to include more specific information. I think if you do that, it will be more great esaay. Anyway, thank you for sharing. It was very interesting.
