Sunday, May 28, 2017

Hye-ri Lee/Chapter 4 Part 2 B1/Wed 1-2

Diligence Give us Opportunity for Success


 Many people usually say that life is unfair. Although people try to do their best, they do not always succeed. In reality, rich people can more easily succeed than poor people. For example, rich people have better education than poor people. So rich people can do better than poor people. But, money is not the only thing for success. I believe that diligence makes success. I will explain why diligence is needed for success.

  First, diligence make us be ready to face challenge in the future. The Ant and the Grasshopper, Aesop's fable, shows that lazy people will have some troubles in the future, because they don't prepare well for their future. If we predict our future and work hard, then we will more easily solve the problem in the future.

  Second, we can be better with being diligent. Maybe, all the people have heard Thomas A. Edison's saying, Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. It means that even if we have a talent, we can never become genius without hard working. When we only practice over and over again, our talent can be developed. Thus, diligent people are likely to be proficient people.

  Lastly, we can have good attitude to our life. For instance, let's suppose that there are the rich but lazy boy, James and the poor but diligent girl, Nancy. James has much better circumstance than Nancy. He takes a good lesson by good teacher. Even so, he doesn't do his homework and doesn't try to understand what he doesn't know. On the contrary, Nancy studies what her teachers don't teach to her yet and always asks what she doesn't understand to teachers. She always endeavors to overcome her poor surroundings. In exam, Nancy had a higher score than James's. The diligent girl feels delight of achievement from her effort, but the lazy boy can't. Diligence makes people more successful than when people were lazy. And pleasure from those successes makes diligent people positive.

  Realistically, we might easily succeed when we have much money and fame. However, We must not ignore the importance of diligence. Without doing early, we cannot prevent the risk in the future. Without doing more, we cannot become expert. Also, without feeing pleasure of achievement, we cannot live our life positively. Therefore, diligence is a key factor for success. 

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