Monday, May 29, 2017

Yejee OH/chp4 part5 A3/ Wed-2

Adversities of Working Moms 


              We cannot deny the fact that the increasing number of women in the workforce is a global phenomenon nowadays. This growth trends highlights women started to be more active in the workforce and to make economic activities. Women started to pursue their dreams and goals through social activities, and spending more time on their career.This happened to show women are as capable as men in working socially. People used to comprehend women's role in the family as staying-home mother doing house works. However, As the entry of women in public affairs and businesses gets more frequent, the stereotypes and prejudices of married women are broken. Married women with children are capable of working and being as a mother at the same. However, the problems quickly follows as women are no longer full-time housewives. 


            Several prominent issues come up when women are working and taking care of house chores at the time. Children are not taken care of by their mothers when they are in need and end up spending time on their own. In other words, mothers have insufficient amount of time to take of their children when they are out for work. Women get to spend their most of the day in work and their only way to lessen the worries about their children is calling or texting them. For instance, mostly it is  women who handle any issues or problems that may happen to the children, but they might miss the call or not even notice. By that, some women give up on their careers and jobs because women consider they are not giving as much attentions and affections to their children as they should be. 

Moreover, women are still dealing with house chores even both men and women are working. Women work as much as men are, but women end up being housewives at the same time. House chores need to be equally distributed and done by the both of the parents, however, there may be several reason that it cannot be done. Suppose a family that has no father but a single mom to take charge of everything or men has important works that requires many business trips. Regardless of  many women started their jobs and dreams socially, they are still tied up to their housewife position and the absence of mother is still large. Thus, the role of society is crucial as to this matter.


              One of the probable solution is to setting up the working standards based on women's circumstances and supporting infrastructure available to them. Since not every household has the same family backgrounds or conditions, it is important for the society to offer pertinent amount of time for women to work. For instance, women with young children but has no husband to supporting house affairs need to leave work early for their family. Thus, women can go back as mothers in order to take care of their children and sorting out houseworks. For instance, my mother used to go out for work before I woke up and staying up late over nights. I never blamed her for not being a perfect mom we expect to be, but I demanded her to come home early and have dinner together sometime. She may have felt sorry or feeling of guilty for not being a mother who would spent time together for her child. Since then, she came home early in the afternoon with handful of burgers and french fries. She had her working hours rescheduled and adjusted since she felt spending time with children is as important as pursuing career. 

Moreover, not only giving women an early leave, men should also have the privilege to leave early once in a while. By leaving office early, men would also take responsibilities of house works and involved to be loyal fathers. In my case, my father would be one of the most diligent and promising entrepreneurs, but I barely felt he was a great father for his daughters. He would work day and night, and giving excuses when asked for sharing some chores with mother. That was the moment I thought it would be nice of him if he had spared some time to be less tied to work and be more devoted to his family and houseworks. Therefore, men's support for women to be capable at home and office is important.

Therefore, when women start to find the balance between their home and office, the personal and professional roles they play would excel and stand out. In order to do that, society should be the crucial key to help women adjust in work place and home to be a good worker and a mother simultaneously. 


  1. Hi! This is Hyunseo. I also choose the same topic with you so your story was really interesting. I especially like the composition of your essay. As it was well organized, it was easy to catch your opinions. Also your specific details helped me to understand and accept your ideas. So thank you for sharing your wonderful stories!!

  2. Hey yayjee this is Aya from your class
    Your writing is really impressive I had to use the dictionary more than once and you gave very interesting suggestions to the problem + an example from your personal life which made it more balanced!!
