Sunday, May 14, 2017

Aya Bekkouche/Friendship Definition Essay/ Wed 1-2


Defining the word friendship can be tricky in some ways, if you look at the dictionary the first thing you will read is 'friendly relationship between two or more people'. But that is the point, what exactly does 'friendly' supposedly mean? For me, the definition of Friendship with a big F, is to find ''your person".

Let me make myself clearer. Everyone, or at least most people who are susceptible to read this paper, must have watched or at least heard of Grey's Anatomy. Everyone basically melted when Cristina and Meredith in the series created the "my person" concept to describe their one of a kind relationship. A relationship that can survive the test of time and remain unconditional no matter how much they hurt each other, no matter how much different they are. Your person is someone you feel emotionally safely with, someone you wouldn't have to weigh your thoughts and measure words with because you know they sometimes knows you better than you know your own yourself. When you find this one person that you are absolutely sure will never let you down, that you can always rely on. A person that will be there to listen to your late night whining and accept your darkest secrets but at the same time can understand that you don't necessarily want to share everything about yourself and respects that. That when you find "your person", in other words your real friend.

Friendship can mean different things to different people. For some people it is the ability to trust. For others just normal companionship. After all, we all have different needs and our expectations from our friends differ as well. But as far as I am concerned, Friendship goes beyond just sharing time together, it doesn't matter how long you haven't seen each other your relationship will remain intake because your person is the only person you trust enough to have faith in.


  1. Hello, I'm Minyong from P&P.
    It was very admirable that every sentence you wrote has power in it, and it conveys a message so strong that I got wowed. But, I wanted to point out that it was kind of radical to write with the notion that everyone knows what Grey's Anatomy is because I don't know what it is.
    I enjoyed your writing, and thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Aya,
    I really liked your essay, especially how you pointed out friendship as finding "your person". I totally agree.
    I also like your example from grey's anatomy because i watched it too, and your example was very appropriate.
    If there's one thing I must say, i think the body could have been more organized wih more details other than an example. One body paragraph seems a little bit heavy, so why not include more details and narrow it down to two?:-)
    Thanks for sharing!
