Sunday, May 28, 2017

U Yong Chung/ Chapter 4 Part 5 A4/ Wed 1~2

Who is a Good Worker?



 In today's society, it is very challenging to find good workers. Good hires are not happening by coincidence or luck anymore. However, employers also recognize that good workers are quickly becoming rare in market of employment. There are a lot of complexities and confusions to employers because there are too much or too small of information about employees. Most of the times, employers don't know what kind of the workers they have hired because it is hard to evaluate the capability of workers have. Hiring the wrong people might lead to a serious disaster in workplace. Therefore, it is important to find a right person in a workplace.



 Then who is a good worker? First of all, good workers have a positive attitude. Attitude makes all the difference in the world. Regardless of how much knowledge the worker has in workplace, positive attitude in a team could make the more dynamic. Nobody wants to work with someone who is always complaining and making excuses. We all have to do things that we don't like or agree with at workplace. In this situation, having a positive attitude will improve the work process. A positive attitude will generally make up for any shortcomings in knowledge or experience. Most of the workplace work in a team, so one person's attitude spreads to other team members, whether it is positive or negative Therefore it is important to have a positive attitude if you want to be a good worker.



 Also, a good worker needs to cultivate good relationships with the people in organization. In departments in all company, there are full of experts in their field. This situation there could be a lot of arguments about the work, because they are all experts in their field. Therefore, they need to solve the problem in peaceful no matter how many efforts they need. To solve the problem peacefully, workers should treat all co-workers with courtesy, respect, and kindness because they hold more power than you realize, and your reputation with them matters. If you mistreat, disrespect, or talk down to other co-workers, the relationship in workplace will break up in a bad end. This is a disaster to employers because it will make the organization's efficiency worse. So, a good worker should have ability to cultivate a good relationship with the people in workplace.



 Most of all, a good worker should have good work capabilities. Arriving work on time, returning phone calls, and performing task on time can lead to achieving a consistent level of quality and excellence in workplace. A good worker takes responsibility to help out other co-workers. When the workers are given a task, they do their job and see the task through the completion. Of course, they are responsible for their own tasks and actions. However, many of workers do only what they are required to do, and not doing more. Workers should have continuous desire to learn, willing to go the extra mile and willing to accept challenges from others and self. And most of all they need to build a team spirit to work in a harmony whether their works were done or not. If they help out other co-workers and has a good capability in work, they could be an idealistic worker, every employer wants to employ.  



 There are so many good workers in nowadays. They all have good ability and attitude which could make the workplace better. However, if I'm a manager, I will prefer the worker who has positive attitude, good work capability and good relationship with co-workers.   



  1. Hi, this is Hayeon Jin! First of all, thank you for sharing your idea! I was interested to go through your essay because we hold opposite viewpoint. In my case, the Maugham's story seemed closer to real life than the fable. However, I could understand well your point as I read your assertion. Nevertheless, it would have been better if you added some more supporting details and made your essay longer. Plus, there were some trivial grammatical errors such as "who listened very hard classes" in your second paragraph. Putting those aside, it was a wonderful essay! Again, thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi, I’m Taehun Kim from the same class. I read your essay with great interest, partly because I agreed with your idea. I also thought that positive attitude was important factor in a worker. However, I think it could be a better essay if you just add some more examples supporting your point. Aside from this, it was a very good essay. Thanks for sharing it with us!
